Tag Archives: soldier


I am in love with Wolff’s piece. I do not know if I am in love with it because of his style or because the subject matter is something I’ve been recently exposed to in my own way. Either way, this piece spoke to me the most as compared to the pieces by Codrescu and Brainard. What sparked my interest was Wolff’s reaction to the quote that “promotes dying young as some kind of good deal.” I, like Wolff, have been experiencing the same kind of frustration with said concept in the recent past. A very special friend of mine just got deployed to Afghanistan – he made clear that he doesn’t expect to make it back home.

There is nothing right about dying young. I understand the concept of dying with honor, but honor does not have to mean 20 years old on a battlefield. As the lyrics of the song “Some Nights” by Fun asks, “Who the fuck wants to die alone all dried up in the desert sun?” I don’t. And I don’t want such a fate for my friend either.

I fully understand Wolff’s pain and embarrassment as he explains that Hugh “will not know what it is to make life with someone else.” My friend may never know the life he and I could have had together. I may never know. The past nine months may have been our last shot at our love.


May the heavens above protect the souls of our service men and women, at home and abroad.

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